2nd Kyoto University-Inamori Foundation Joint Kyoto Prize Symposium
July 11-12, 2015
Theme “Technology / Genetic Science / Arts” - Tracing the Path of Evolution, in Holistic Contemplation of Present and Future Civilization - (Finished)

Hermann Gottschewski

Hermann Gottschewski

Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo

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A brief Biography

Hermann Gottschewski, born 1963 in Freiburg i.Br. (Germany) and grown up in West-Berlin, studied piano at Musikhochschule Freiburg i.Br. (Germany) and musicology, mathematics and Japanese studies at the University of Freiburg. Dr. phil. in musicology 1993. Habilitation for musicology at Humboldt University of Berlin, 2000. Fellowships at Ochanomizu University, Tokyo (1996-1997), Harvard University, Cambridge (Mass.) (2001-2002), and the University of Tokyo (2003-2004). After teaching positions at the University of Freiburg (1989-1993) and Humboldt University of Berlin (1993-2004), he teaches musicology at the Department of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies at the University of Tokyo (2004-2015 Associate Professor, since 2015 Professor). He has also taught courses in musicology at the Tokyo University of Arts, Tokyo University of Foreign Languages and Seoul National University. He was awarded the Ohmiya Makoto Music Prize in 1997. Gottschewski’s main research fields are theory and analysis of musical performance and modern history of music in East Asia, focusing on the era from the late nineteenth century to mid-twentieth century. Recently he has mainly focused on Japanese-Korean relations in music and musicology. He has published books and articles in German, Japanese, English and Korean. Gottschewski is also active as a composer.

Details of selected Awards and Honors
1997 Ohmiya Makoto Music Prize
A list of selected Publications

1) books:

Die Interpretation als Kunstwerk. Laaber 1996

・「東大駒場連続講義 知の遠近法」講談社選書メチエ2007年 (ed.)(in Japanese)

・「貴志康一と音楽の近代 ベルリン・フィルを指揮した日本人」請求者2011年 (co-ed.)(in Japanese)

・櫻井雅人/ヘルマン・ゴチェフスキ/安田寛 共著「仰げば尊し―幻の原曲発見と『小学唱歌集』全軌跡」東京堂出版2015年 (in Japanese)

2) articles:

・“Hoiku shôka and the melody of the Japanese national anthem Kimi ga yo”, in: Journal of the Society for Research in Asiatic Music [of Japan] (『東洋音楽研究』), no. 68, 2003, pp. (1)-(17), (23)-(24).

・“Poesie und Musik — Das japanische Klavierlied um 1920“, in: Musikalische Lyrik, Teil 2, hg. von Hermann Danuser (Handbuch der Musikalischen Gattungen, Band 8,2), Laaber: Laaber-Verlag 2004, S. 364-384. (Koautorin: Machiko Gottschewski.)

・“Musikalische Schriftsysteme und die Bedeutung ihrer ,Perspektive‘ für die Musikkultur. Ein Vergleich europäischer und japanischer Quellen“, in: Schrift. Kulturtechnik zwischen Auge, Hand und Maschine, hg. von Gernot Grube, Werner Kogge und Sibylle Krämer, München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2005, S. 253-278

・“Defining the ‘Children of the Nation’: Three Stages of Children’s Music in Modern Japan”, (coauthor: Machiko Gottschewski), in: Musical Childhoods & the Cultures of Youth, ed. by Susan Boynton & Roe-Min Kok, Middletown: Wesleyan Univ. Press, 2006, 256, pp. 169-186

・“The Provisum and the Improvisum in Musical Performance”, in: Yonsei Music Research Vol.14 (2007), pp. 23-31 (“음악연주에서의 ‘준비’와 ‘즉흥’” (번역: 이가형),『연세음악연구』2007년 제14집, pp. 13-22)

・“알반 베르크 피아노소나타의 분석 : 템포형성을 중심으로 한 연주의 문제 고찰” 이화음악논집/이화여자대학교 음악연구소 제12집 제2호, 2008, pp. 191–206

・“Absolute Pitches in Chopin’s Narrative Style: With a Focus on Ballade No. 4”, Journal of Music and Theory (음악이론연구, ed. Seoul National University, Western Music Research Institute, ISSN 1975-3225), vol. 15, 2010, pp. 40–66

・이경분, 헤르만 고체프스키 공저 「프란츠 에케르트는 대한제국 애국가의 작곡가인가? —대한제국 애국가에 대한 새로운 고찰」『역사비평』101호, 2012겨울, 373–401쪽

・ヘルマン・ゴチェフスキ/李京粉 共著「〈大韓帝国愛国歌〉に隠されていた韓国民謡の発見―フランツ・エッケルトが編曲した日韓の国歌再考―」『東洋音楽研究』第78号(2013)pp. 1–21

・“Traditionelle und westliche Musik als Identitätssymbole der Moderne: Die Nationalhymnen Japans und Koreas um 1900“, in: OAG-Notizen Heft 12/2013, S. 39–48

・“Nineteenth-Century Gagaku Songs as a Subject of Musical Analysis: An Early Example of Musical Creativity in Modern Japan”, Nineteenth Century Music Review, 10 (2013), pp 239–264. © Cambridge University Press, 2013; doi:10.1017/S1479409813000256