Title of Presentation
“Mathematics of Planet Earth”
Earth is a complex planet with an atmosphere, oceans and climates. The human species shares the planet with millions of living species, some of them invasive, and others in danger of disappearing. But what is the link with mathematics? Can mathematics help to understand and manage the planet? You will be surprised to see the variety of scientific questions to the answer of which mathematics can contribute. With mathematical tools, we can discover the history of the Earth, explore its interior, study its climates and find strategies for managing its ecosystems. Mathematics also plays a role in understanding the dangers faced by our planet and its inhabitants: epidemic diseases, global warming, sea level rise and growth of population.
- Web Site URL
- http://www.dms.umontreal.ca/~rousseac/
- A brief Biography
Christiane Rousseau studied at University of Montreal where she got her PhD in 1977. After postdoctoral studies at McGill University, she came back to University of Montreal where she became professor. She chaired her department in 1993-97 and she has been President of the Canadian Mathematical Society from 2002 to 2004. When she was Director of Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (CRM) in 2008-09, she initiated the international year “Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013”, under the patronage of UNESCO. In 2011-2014, she was Vice-president of the International Mathematical Union and she is presently a member of the Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union. For 2015-17, she is a member of the Scientific Committee of the International Basic Science Program at UNESCO. Her research area is dynamical systems. During her whole career, she led in parallel research activities and outreach activities: lectures in the schools, organization of mathematical camps, and articles in mathematical magazines. Her book “Mathematics and technology” with Yvan Saint-Aubin paved the way to the teaching of new modern applications of mathematics to technology to preservice high school teachers.
- Details of selected Awards and Honors
Abel Gauthier Prize 1999 of Mathematical Association of Quebec for the leading figure of the year
Graham Wright Distinguished Service Award 2009 of the Canadian Mathematical Society
Adrien Pouliot Award 2009 of Mathematical Association of Quebec for best edited material
Excellence in teaching Prize of University of Montreal 2009 for best book
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society 2013
Abel Gauthier Prize 2013 of Mathematical Association of Quebec for the leading figure of the year
George Polya Award of the Mathematical Association of America 2014
- A list of selected Publications
C. Rousseau, Analytic moduli for unfoldings of germs of generic analytic diffeomorphims with a codimension k parabolic point, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 35 (2015), 274-292.
J. Hurtubise, C. Lambert and C. Rousseau, Complete system of analytic invariants for unfolded differential linear systems with an irregular singularity of Poincaré rank k, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 14 (2014), 309-338.
C. Christopher and C. Rousseau, The moduli space of germs of generic families of analytic diffeomorphisms unfolding a parabolic fixed point, International Mathematical Research Notes 2014 (2014), 2494-2558.
C. Lambert and C. Rousseau, Complete system of analytic invariants for unfolded differential linear systems with an irregular singularity of Poincaré rank 1, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 12 (2012), 77-138.
C. Rousseau and L. Teyssier, Analytical moduli for unfoldings of saddle-node vector-fields, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 8, (2008), 547-614.
C. Rousseau, The root extraction problem, Journal of Differential Equations, 234, (2007), 110-141.
P. Mardesic, R. Roussarie and C. Rousseau, Modulus of analytic classification for unfoldings of generic parabolic diffeomorphisms, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 4, (2004), 455-498.
H. Zhu and C. Rousseau, Finite cyclicity of graphics with a nilpotent singularity of saddle or elliptic type, J. Differential Equations, 178, (2002), 325-436.
F. Dumortier, R. Roussarie and C. Rousseau, Hilbert’s 16th problem for quadratic vector fields, J. Differential Equations, 110, (1994), 86-133.
C. Rousseau and Yvan Saint-Aubin, Mathematics and Technology, book, Springer Undergraduate Series in Mathematics and Technology, Springer, New York, 2008, 580p.