4th Kyoto University-Inamori Foundation Joint Kyoto Prize Symposium
July 1-2, 2017
Executive Chair

Norihiro Tokitoh
Professor & Director, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University

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- A brief Biography
Norihiro Tokitoh is a professor of chemistry at the Institute for Chemical Research (ICR), Kyoto University. He received his Ph. D. (1985) from the University of Tokyo. After spending some years as Research Associate (1986) and then Assistant Professor (1987) of Tsukuba Univ., and Assistant Professor (1989) and then Associate Professor (1994) of The University of Tokyo, he was appointed as Professor of the Institute for Fundamental Organic Chemistry, Kyushu Univ. in 1998 and moved to ICR, Kyoto University in 2000. He served as Guest Professor at Institute for Molecular Science (2001-2003), Technische Universität Braunschweig (2004-2007), and Universität Bonn (2013-), and Director of ICR (2008-2012, 2014-).
- Details of selected Awards and Honors
His main research interest is focused on novel bonding and structures in heavier main group element chemistry. He received Incentive Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan (1992), Progress Award in Silicon Chemistry, Japan (1996), Japan IBM Science Award (1998), Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work (2003), Alexander von Humboldt Research Award (2003), Lectureship Award of National Science Council, Republic of China (2007), Kim Yong Hae Lectureship Award of KAIST, Korea (2010), BCSJ Awards (2002, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, and 2013), Best Reviewer Commendation (JSPS; 2010), and Re-invitation by AvH Research Award (2013). He contributed to several chemistry journals, such as Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry (Associate Editor for Asia, 1998-2006), Organometallics (Advisory Board Member, 2006-2009), Journal of Sulfur Chemistry (Editorial Board Member, 2001-), Main Group Metal Chemistry (Editorial Board Member, 2011-) and Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan (Editor-in-chief, 2013-).
- A list of selected Publications
Synthesis and Characterization of a Stable Dibismuthene: Evidence for a Bi-Bi Double Bond, Tokitoh, N.; Arai, Y.; Okazaki, R.; Nagase, S. Science, 1997, 277, 78-80.
A Stable Neutral Silaaromatic Compound, 2-{2,4,6-Tris[bis(trimethylsilyl)methyl]-phenyl}-2-silanaphthalene, Tokitoh, N.; Wakita, K.; Okazaki, R.; Nagase, S.; Schleyer, P. v. R.; Jiao, H. J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1997, 119, 6951-6952.
New Progress in the Chemistry of Stable Metallaaromatic Compounds of Heavier Group 14 Elements, Tokitoh, N. Acc. Chem. Res. 2004, 37, 86-94.
Synthesis and Reactions of a Stable 1,2-Diaryl-1,2-dibromodisilene: A Precursor for Substituted Disilenes and a 1,2-Diaryldisilyne, Sasamori, T.; Hironaka, K. ; Sugiyama, Y.; Takagi, N.; Nagase, S.; Hosoi, Y. ; Furukawa, Y.; Tokitoh, N. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 13856-13857.
Stable Heavier Carbene Analogues, Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. Chem. Rev. 2009, 109, 3479-351.
Program Chair for the Category of Advanced Technology
Program Chair for the Field of Materials Science and Engineering

Susumu Noda
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University

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- A brief Biography
- Professor Susumu Noda received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 1982, 1984, and 1991, respectively, all in electronics. In 2006, he has received an honorary degree from Gent University, Gent, Belgium. From 1984 to 1988, he was with the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, and he joined Kyoto University in 1988. Currently he is a full Professor with the Department of Electronic Science and Engineering and a director of Photonics and Electronics Science and Engineering Center (PESEC), Kyoto University. His research interest covers physics and applications of photonic and quantum nanostructures including photonic crystals and quantum dots.
- Details of selected Awards and Honors
- He received several awards including the IBM Science Award (2000), the Japan Society of Applied Physics Achievement Award on Quantum Electronics (2005), and OSA Joseph Fraunhofer Award / Robert M. Burley Prize (2006), IEEE Fellow (2008), IEEE Nanotechnology Pioneering Award (2009), and Reo Esaki Awards (2009), Medal with Purple Ribbon (2014) and the 15th Japan Society of Applied Physics Outstanding Achievement Award (2015).
- A list of selected Publications
Noda, et al, “Trapping and emission of photons by a single defect in a photonic bandgap structure”, Nature, vol. 407, No. 6804, pp.608-610 (OCT 5 2000)
Noda, et al, “Full three-dimensional photonic bandgap crystals at near-infrared wavelengths”, Science, vol.289 No. 5479, pp. 604-606 (JUL 28 2000)
Imada, Noda, et al, “Coherent two-dimensional lasing action in surface-emitting laser with triangular-lattice photonic crystal structure”, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol.75, No.3, pp. 316-318 (JUL 19 1999).
Akahane, Noda, et al, “High-Q photonic nanocavity in a two-dimensional photonic crystal”, Nature, vol. 425, No. 6961, pp. 944-947 (OCT 30 2003).
Hirose, Noda, et al, “Watt-class high-power, high-beam-quality photonic-crystal lasers”, Nature Photonics, vol.8, No.5, pp. 406-411(May 2014).
and over 410 other publications
Total citation: over 13,500
Program Co-Chair for the Field of Materials Science and Engineering

Yoshinori Tanaka
Junior Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University

- A brief Biography
Education: B. S. 2001, Kyoto University M. S. 2003, Kyoto University Ph. D. 2006, Kyoto University Academic Appointments: 2006-2007 Postdoctoral Fellow in Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University. 2007-2014 Assistant Professor in Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University 2014- Junior Associate Professor in Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University. - Details of selected Awards and Honors
2005 Young Scientist Presentation Award from Japan Society of Applied Physics - A list of selected Publications
Y. Tanaka, K. Ishizaki, M. D. Zoysa, T. Umeda, Y. Kawamoto, S. Fujita, and S. Noda: “Photonic crystal microcrystalline silicon solar cells”, Prog. Photovolt. Res. Appl. 23, 1475-1483 (2015).
Y. Tanaka, Y. Kawamoto, M. Fujita, and S. Noda: “Enhancement of broadband optical absorption in photovoltaic devices by band-edge effect of photonic crystals”, Opt. Express 21, 20111-20118 (2013).
Y. Tanaka, S. Takayama, T. Asano, Y. Sato, and S. Noda, “A Polarization Diversity Two-Dimensional Photonic-Crystal Device”, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., 16, pp. 70-76 (2010).
Y. Tanaka, T. Asano and S. Noda, “Design of Photonic Crystal Nanocavity with Q-factor of ~109”, J. Lightwave Technol., 26, pp. 1532-1539 (2008).
Y. Tanaka, J. Upham, T. Nagashima, T. Sugiya, T. Asano and S. Noda, “Dynamic control of the Q factor in a photonic crystal nanocavity”, Nature Materials, 6, pp. 862-865 (2007).
Program Chair for the Category of Basic Sciences

Atsushi Moriwaki
Professor, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University

- A brief Biography
1986 – 1995 Research Assistant of Kyoto University 1992 – 1995 Assistant Professor of UCLA 1995 – 2003 Associate Professor of Kyoto University 2003 – Professor of Kyoto University 2008 – 2009 Vice-Dean of Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University 2010 – 2014 Assistant to the Executive Vice-President, Kyoto University 2014 – 2015 Vice-President, Kyoto University 2015 – 2017 Dean of Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University - Details of selected Awards and Honors
2001 2001 Japanese Mathematical Society’s Fall Prize - A list of selected Publications
■ Papers
Inequality of Bogomolov-Gieseker type on arithmetic surfaces. Duke Math. J. 74 (1994), no. 3, 713-761.
Arithmetic Bogomolov-Gieseker’s inequality. Amer. J. Math. 117 (1995), no. 5, 1325-1347.
Relative Bogomolov’s inequality and the cone of positive divisors on the moduli space of stable curves. J. Amer. Math. Soc. 11 (1998), no. 3, 569-600.
The continuity of Deligne’s pairing. Internat. Math. Res. Notices 1999, no. 19, 1057-1066.
Arithmetic height functions over finitely generated fields. Invent. Math. 140 (2000), no. 1, 101-142.
A generalization of conjectures of Bogomolov and Lang over finitely generated fields. Duke Math. J. 107 (2001), no. 1, 85-102.
Continuity of volumes on arithmetic varieties. J. of Algebraic geometry 18 (2009), 407-457.
Zariski decompositions on arithmetic surfaces, Publ. RIMS Kyoto Univ., 48 (2012), 799-898. (DOI) 10.2977/PRIMS/89.
Toward Dirichlet’s unit theorem on arithmetic varieties, Kyoto J. of Math., 53 (2013), 197-259. (DOI) 10.1215/21562261-1966116.
Semiample invertible sheaves with semipositive continuous hermitian metrics, Algebra and Number Theory, 9 (2015), 503-509.
■ Books
Arakelov geometry. Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol 244, (2014), American Mathematical Society.
Adelic divisors on arithmetic varieties, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 242, Num. 1144, DOI:, (2016).
Program Chair for the Field of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics

Shigeo Yoden
Professor, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University

- Web Site URL
- A brief Biography
1983 Doctor of Science, Kyoto University 1983 – 1987 Research Associate, Kyoto University 1985 – 1987 JSPS Fellow for Research Abroad (University of Washington) 1987 – 2002 Associate Professor, Kyoto University 1994 – 1995 Fellow for Research Abroad of Ministry of Education (University of Washington) 2002 – present Professor, Kyoto University 2007 – 2010 Senior Program Officer, Research Center for Science Systems, JSPS 2010 – 2012 Director, Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and Research, Kyoto University 2015 – 2017 Vice-Dean, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University Member, Education and Research Council, Kyoto University - Details of selected Awards and Honors
1992 Award of Meteorological Society of Japan 2004 The 1st Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Public Lecture in Singapore 2013 The Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan Award - A list of selected Publications
Yoden, S., 1987: Bifurcation properties of a stratospheric vacillation model. J.Atmos.Sci., 44-13, 1723-1733.
Yoden, S., M. Shiotani and I. Hirota, 1987: Multiple planetary flow regimes in the Southern Hemisphere. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 65, 571-586.
Yoden, S. and M. Nomura, 1993: Finite-time Lyapunov stability analysis and its application to atmospheric predictability. J.Atmos.Sci., 50-11, 1531-1543.
Yoden, S. and M. Yamada, 1993: A numerical experiment on two-dimensional decaying turbulence on a rotating sphere. J.Atmos.Sci., 50-4, 631-643.
Yoden, S., 1997: Classification of simple low-order models in geophysical fluid dynamics and climate dynamics. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications, 30-7, 4607-4618.
Yoden, S., M. Taguchi and Y. Naito, 2002: Numerical studies on time variations of the troposphere-stratosphere coupled system. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 80-4B, 811-830.
Yoden, S., 2007: Atmospheric predictability. J.Met.Soc.Japan, 85B, 77-102.
Hitchcock, P., T.G. Shepherd, and S. Yoden, 2010: On the approximation of local and linear radiative damping in the middle atmosphere. J.Atmos.Sci., 67-6, 2070-2085.
Trilaksono, N.J., S. Otsuka and S. Yoden, 2012: A time-lagged ensemble simulation on the modulation of precipitation over West Java in January-February 2007. Mon. Wea. Rev., 140-2, 601-616.
Yoden, S., H.-H. Bui and E. Nishimoto, 2014: A minimal model of QBO-like oscillation in a stratosphere-troposphere coupled system under a radiative-moist convective quasiequilibrium state. SOLA, 10, 112-116.
Program Co-Chair for the Field of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics

Kazunari Shibata
Director&Professor, Kwasan and Hida Observatories,
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
Unit Vice-Chairman,
Kyoto University Unit of Synergetic Studies for Space

- Web Site URL
- A brief Biography
1977 : Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics at Kyoto University 1981-1986 : Research Associate at Aichi University of Education 1983 : Ph. D. in Astrophysics at Kyoto Univeristy 1986-1991 : Associate Professor at Aichi University of Education 1987-1988 : Visiting Research Fellow at University of Texas at Austin 1991-1999 : Associate Professor at National Astronomical Observatory of Japan 1999- : Professor at Kyoto University 2004- : Director&Professor, Kwasan and Hida Observatories, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University 2009-2011 : Unit Chairman,
Kyoto University Unit of Synergetic Studies for Space2011- : Unit Vice-Chairman,
Kyoto University Unit of Synergetic Studies for Space - Details of selected Awards and Honors
2001 Chushiro Hayashi Prize (Astronomical Society of Japan )
for “Basic Magnetohydrodynamic Studies of Cosmic Jets and Flares”2009 NISSTEP researcher award (National Institute of Science and Technology Policy, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology) 2010 Kodansha Science Publication Award 2013 Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
(Prizes for Science and Technology;
Public Understanding Promotion Category) - A list of selected Publications
Uchida, Y. and Shibata, K. Magnetodynamical Acceleration of CO and Optical Bipolar Flows from the Region of Star Formation, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 37, 515-535 (1985)
Shibata, K., Ishido, Y., Acton, et al. Observations of X-ray Jets with the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan Letters, 44, L173-L179 (1992)
Shibata, K., Masuda, S., Shimojo, M., et al. Hot Plasma Ejections Associated with Compact-Loop Solar Flares, Ap. J. Lett., 451, L83-L85 (1995)
Yokoyama, T., and Shibata, K., Magnetic Reconnection as the Origin of X-ray Jets and H alpha Surges on the Sun, Nature, 375, 42-44 (1995)
Chen, P. F., and Shibata, K., An Emerging Flux Trigger Mechanism for Coronal Mass Ejections, ApJ, 545, 524-531 (2000)
Hayashi, M. R., Shibata, K., and Matsumoto, R., X-ray Flares and Mass Outflow Driven by Magnetic Interaction between a Protostar and its Surrounding Disk, Ap. J. Lett., 468, L37-L40 (1996)
Yokoyama, T., and Shibata, K., Numerical Simulation of Solar Coronal X-ray Jet Based on the Magnetic Reconnection Model, Publ. Astr. Soc. Japan, 48, 353-376 (1996)
Shimojo, M., Hashimoto, S., Shibata, K., Hirayama, T., Hudson, H., and Acton, L., Statistical Study of Solar X-ray Jets Observed with Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope, Publ. Astr. Soc. Japan, 48, 123-136 (1996)
Shibata, K. and Tanuma, S., Plasmoid-Induced-Reconnection and Fractal Reconnection, Earth, Planets, Space, 53, 473-482 (2001)
Shibata,K. and Uchida,Y., A Magnetodynamic Mechanism for the Formation of Astrophysical Jets. II. Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 38, 631-660 (1986)
Program Chair for the Category of Arts and Philosophy
Program Chair for the Field of Theater, Cinema

Shoko Suzuki
Professor, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University

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- A brief Biography
Shoko Suzuki, Dr. Phil., is Professor at Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University in Japan. Dr. Suzuki is also a member of the Science Council of Japan, the Board of Education in Kyoto and the Board of Directors of the Japanese Society for the Philosophy of Education. She was the academic leader of a program in Kyoto University’s Global Center of Excellence, titled “Revitalizing Education for Dynamic Hearts and Minds (2007-2012)”. Prior to that, Dr. Suzuki was involved in research activities at the University Cologne, Germany from 1982 to 1989 and enjoyed a guest professorship at the Free University of Berlin, Germany from 2009 to 2010.
- A list of selected Publications
Suzuki, Shoko (2014): Ernährungspädagogik in Japan. In: Althans, B./Schmidt, F./Wulf, Chr.: Nahrung als Bildung. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf einen anthropologischen Zusammenhang, Beltz Juventa; Weinheim/Basel 2014, S.128-138.
Suzuki, S./Wulf, Ch. (2013): Auf dem Weg des Lebens – West- östliche Meditation. Logos Verlag; Berlin.
Suzuki, S. (2013): Wisdom on the Pursuit of Happiness in Daily Life: Christmas Celebration in the German Family, Klien, S./Wulf, Chr. (Hrsg.) Paragrana- Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie, Band 22, Heft1: Well-Being – Emotions, Rituals, and Performances in Japan, P.235-248.
Suzuki, Shoko (2012):‚ The Kyoto School and J.F.Herbart‘. In: P. Standish,/N. Saito, (ed.): Education and the Kyoto School of Philosophy. Pedagogy for Human Transformation, Heidelberg/New York/London, P.41-53.
Suzuki, S./Wulf, Chr. u. anderen (2011): Glück der der Familie. Wiesbaden; VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften; Wiesbaden.
Suzuki, S. (2010): Sein und Werden – Poiesis in Gesten, in: Wulf Chr./Fischer-Lichte, E. (Hrsg.): Geste, Wilhelm Fink, S. 116-122.
Suzuki, S. (2010): Takt in Modern Education. Münster/New York; Waxmann
Suzuki, S. (2008): Die Zukunft verhandeln. Aus der Sicht der Wissenschafts-kommunikation in der Risikoforschung und Bioethik Japans, in: Paragrana-Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie. Bd.17: Das Menschliche Leben, S.187-194.
Suzuki, S. (2008): Takt als Medium, in: Paragrana- Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie, Bd.16, S. 145-167.
Suzuki, S./Wulf, Chr. (ed.) (2007): Mimesis/Poiesis/Performativity. Münster/New York; Waxmann.
Program Co-Chair for the Field of Theater, Cinema

Oriza Hirata
Playwright, Director
Specially Appointed Professor, Center for the Study of CO Design, Osaka University

- A brief Biography
Playwright, director, and leader of the Seinendan Theater Company. Artistic director of the Komaba Agora Theater. Artistic director of the Kinosaki International Arts Center. General manager of the Cultural Centre of Fujimi City, KIRARI FUJIMI in Saitama Prefecture.
Born in Tokyo in 1962. Graduated from the Humanities Division, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University. Hirata served as a professor at J. F. Oberlin University and at the Osaka University Center for the Study of Communication-Design, and currently serves as a specially Appointed professor at the Osaka University Center for the Study of CO Design, research professor at the COI Research Promotion Office of Tokyo University of the Arts, visiting professor and special advisor to the president at Shikoku Gakuin University, and visiting professor at Kyoto Bunkyo University. Hirata is president of the Japan Performing Arts Foundation, advisor on cultural policy for Toyooka City in Hyogo Prefecture, director of education and cultural community building for Nagi in Okayama Prefecture, municipal government advisor to Fujimi City in Saitama Prefecture, an executive board member of the Japanese Society for Theatre Research, and a board member of the Japan Foundation for Regional Art-Activities.
- Details of selected Awards and Honors
1995 39th Kishida Kunio Drama Award for Tokyo Notes 1998 5th Yomiuri Theater Awards for Outstanding Director and Best Play for his production of The Cape of the Moon 2002 9th Yomiuri Theater Award for Outstanding Play for his play Attacking Ueno Zoo for the Fourth Time (screenplay, composition, direction) 2002 AICT (Association Internationale des Critiques de Théâtre) Critique Award for his book Arts as the Basis of a Nation (Shueisha Shinsho) 2003 Winner of the Grand Prix of the 2nd Asahi Performing Arts Awards for his play Across the River in May, a project of the Year of Japan–ROK National Exchange in 2002 2006 Montblanc de la Culture Arts Patronage Award 2011 Awarded the Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters by France’s Ministry of Culture - A list of selected Publications
Oriza Hirata’s Works: For Contemporary Colloquial Theater (Banseisha)
Oriza Hirata’s Works 2: Cities Need No Festivities (Banseisha)
Introduction to Theater (Kodansha Gendai Shinsho)
Acting and Directing (Kodansha Gendai Shinsho)
Arts as the Basis of a Nation (Shueisha Shinsho)
The Map-Creating Journey (Hakusuisha)
To Compete with the World (Tokuma Shoten)
Creating a New Space—Introductory Outline of Citizen Arts (Iwanami Shoten)
From Not Understanding One Another (Kodansha Gendai Shinsho)
Going Slowly Downhill (Kodansha Gendai Shinsho)
Secretariat of Symposium

Susumu Yoshida
Specially Appointed Professor, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University

- A brief Biography
- He was engaged in the education and research of information and communication engineering for 40 years in Kyoto University until his retirement in March 2013. Since October 2013, he has been with the Office of the President and then, due to reorganization, with General Affairs Department of Kyoto University. He has also been serving as a council members of Science Council of Japan and a chairman of Radio Regulatory Council of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
- Details of selected Awards and Honors
2007 Ericsson Telecommunications Award 2011 Radio Day Ministerial Commendations, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications 2013 Okawa Prize 2014 Distinguished Achievement and Contributions Award, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers - A list of selected Publications
J.X. Yu, Y. Li, H. Murata and S. Yoshida,
“Hybrid-ARQ Scheme Using Different TCM for Retransmission”,
IEEE Trans. Communications, vol.48, no.10, pp. 1609-1613, Oct. 2000.K. Yamamoto and S. Yoshida,
“Tradeoff between area spectral efficiency and end-to-end throughput in rate-adaptive multihop radio networks”,
IEICE Trans. Communications, vol.E88-B, no.9, pp.3532-3540, Sept. 2005.S. Kucera, S. Aissa and S. Yoshida,
“Adaptive channel allocation for enabling target SINR achievability in power-controlled wireless networks”,
IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, vol.9, no. 2, pp.833-843, Feb. 2010H. Murata, S. Yoshida, K. Yamamoto, D. Umehara, S. Denno, M. Morikura,
“Software radio-based distributed multi-user MIMO testbed: Towards green wireless communications”,
IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E96-A, no.1, pp.247-254, Jan. 2013.